Unique Selling Propositions (USPs)



Unlike other projects that offer fractional ownership of single properties, we operate as a DAO, strategically acquiring a diversified global portfolio of multiple properties.

Hybrid Model: A Strategic Fusion

At YieldStone, we blend the best qualities of two lucrative investment vehicles normally reserved for accredited investors: Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) & Private Equity Real Estate (PERE) funds. And, we bring it on chain, capitalizing on the strength of each model.

With this innovative hybrid model we harness the liquidity and regular income of REITs along with the strategic growth potential of PERE. This fusion creates accessible, high-value investment opportunities for a broader audience.

Global Portfolio

Our global presence allows us to capitalize on regional strengths—some areas offer higher rental incomes relative to property values, while others provide better leverage options. This enhances overall portfolio performance.


By investing in multiple properties across diverse regions, we enhance the predictability of returns. It's the law of large numbers: more data points yield more reliable outcomes.

Leveraging this statistical advantage, our model provides a more stable and predictable investment environment, making it a superior choice for savvy investors looking for reliability and growth in their $YIELD.

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