
Phase 01: Stealth Launch Fair launch of $YIELD token. Initiate operations in stealth mode to refine strategy and infrastructure.

Phase 02: Foundation and Branding File all legal registrations necessary for the DAO. Establish brand, publish all essential documentation, and unveil a new website.

Phase 03: First Acquisition of the DAO & Announcements Exit stealth mode and publicly announce the acquisition of our first property. Introduce staking pools and the development of our decentralized application (dApp).

Phase 04: Property Acquisition & Marketing Initiatives Complete the acquisition of the first property and begin monetization efforts. Launch an extensive marketing campaign, including video reels, branded merchandise in apartments, and video apartment tours.

Phase 05: Rewards To celebrate the acquisition of our first property we will reward early $YIELD holders. We have been taking snapshots since the launch and will reward early buyers that held $YIELD until staking is live.

Phase 06: dAPP dAPP is live with the YieldStone ecosystem and pools, including a commitment pool, a lending pool, and $YIELD staking. Announce the introduction of a secondaries marketplace.

Phase 07: Profit Sharing Begin the first round of quarterly profit distributions to REID shareholders and $YIELD stakers, marking a significant milestone in revenue sharing.

Phase 08: Portfolio Growth & Leverage Expand the property portfolio through additional acquisitions. Leverage relationships with banking institutions to enhance liquidity with off-chain lending.

Last updated